Hi Toymakers, Today we're printing 3DKitbash's Lil' Dino Pal, Triceratops, on a tiny Toybox 3D Printer, and giving it doll eyes! You can find awesome 3D-printable toys from 3DKitbash, the Toybox 3D Printer from Toybox Labs, and printed Lil' Dino Pals from PaleoTrailerLLC.
3DKitbash: https://3dkitbash.com/
ToyBox 3D Printer: https://shop.make.toys/
PaleoTrailerLLC: https://www.paleotrailer.com/
Lil' Dino Pals are a collaboration between their character designer, PaleoTrailerLLC, and 3DKitbash. Let us know if you print a Lil' Dino Pal. Share your 3DK model pics on Instagram with #3DKitbash and we'll share. Thanks for watching!